Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuning Your Intuitin Workshop!

Visit this event on Face book!

Your personal GPS system UNLOCKED! Join us to align your mind, body and soul to tuning in to your intuition.

Developing our intuition is the most empowering and liberating thing that we can do. This is our personal guidance that never leads us astray! Each one of us is born with this ability and have full access to it. Come and learn how while having fun!

Monday, December 30, 2013


Get aligned for the New Year! 
RSVP for the special investment fee before January 2, 2014!

Sunday, December 8, 2013


Meditation is for everyone! Besides the amazing benefits of deep relaxation, meditation re-wires the brain. After just one session the brain is changed permanently and with consistent sessions great personal transformation is achieved. As you shift in positive ways, your life shifts with you. We all have a higher self that imparts us with knowledge, gifts and empowerment when we listen. You will find your Sacred Space within you and connect with your higher self there. We look forward to connecting with each one of you on this amazing healing journey!

Friday, November 22, 2013

THE ALCHEMIST: You Must Die To Live

Alchemy is commonly known as transmuting bare metals into gold. However this is only an aspect of this metaphysical and spiritual process. The transmutation of metal into gold is also used as an analogy for personal transmutation, the mastery over energies and the mastery over self.
The spiritual alchemist is one who seeks spiritual connection and spiritual growth by honest introspection and objective investigation of self. This is a chosen path to self-actualize. Turning chaos into order through a state of illumination. The more you alter your consciousness to a Divinely higher place you are then able to alter the world around you, becoming your own master.
How then do you even begin to do this? The answer is to get to know your TRUE soul self. Everyone wants to know who he or she really is, it’s the global question of “Who am I?” and “What is my purpose in this life?” When you begin to become painfully honest with your self you begin to see the truth of who you are and what you must begin to transform.
The most important rule to remember is to let go of blaming the people around you and the environment you grew up in. Blaming allows you to hide within your own shadow parts and inhibits growth and self-actualization. I believe living in the shadow part of self is more painful than the temporary growing pains you will feel before you get to that amazing, loving and Divine place of your birthright, living your BEST most abundant life ever.
To become a spiritual alchemist, know that you must die to live. Choose to let go of the dead parts of your being and all that does not support you. Know that all these difficult events in your life are messages to help you step into your essence where your self-actualization exists. The alchemist steps into that fear of death knowing that it is smaller that it seems and feels and that it is only a temporary route to get to the abundant gold of living your most authentic and joyous life.
For more information and to begin your transformation you may call Healing Lev at 786.529.1318.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What Are Your Energy Healing Options?

My purpose and joy is to be an inspiration and guide for people to become free of their blocked energies due to toxic emotions, negative thinking and unhealthy patterns. You will gain a deeper understanding of who you are and what you want in your life by clearing away any debris.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Hebrew Month Of Tishrei: The End Is In The Beginning.

The month of Tishrei connect us to the beginning of time, the beginning of creation.  This is not a moment of the past or some spiritual history to plainly understand, it is a time to connect with its very core essence. What is being given to all of us is a powerful influx of energy, which gives us an opportunity of new creations. This is a chance to be pro-active in our personal renewal and re-birth with the direct help of the Divine Light. Every year we are given this month to re-create who we are and become a stronger vessel to hold more celestial light.
The time between Rosh Hashana (the Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) is related to Gevurah, the left column of the Sephirot (Tree of Life). This represents strictness, judgment and pulling back. This is our time to look within and to cleanse our personal filter of what we desire. This is the purification and letting go process of what doesn’t work or support us anymore. A time of forgiveness, an honest personal assessment and releasing any negativity that is blocking your true purpose in life.
As Yom Kippur comes to an end the energy transforms and moves to the right column of the Sephirot. This is the force of Chessed (kindness), expansion and the higher heart. According to the Arizal, this energy moves into our soul in stages and is called the Or Penimi, the Inner Light. This Inner Light is who we are, our very own essence that we created and strengthened through our personal journey here. It is all that we have corrected and worked on in ourselves and in this world.
As we move into the Holiday of Sukkot (the Holiday of Huts), we enter the middle column of the Sephirot, the strength of Tiferet (harmony/balance). This is associated to the Or Makif, the Surrounding Light that begins to enter our soul in this time. This light is the transcendence of mind and heart. It is directly connected to our faith. It is what drives us to our greatest potential and moves us forward in life. The Or Makif is also known as the “Cloud of Glory” that protected the Jewish nation when wandering in the dessert. By sitting in the Sukkah and connecting to this Holiday we draw this healing, protective light around us.
After all of this internalizing, honest self-examination, letting go of old patterns and finally accepting the new you and your new direction, the only thing left to do is to celebrate! The final Holiday of Tishrei is Shemini Atzeret (the eighth day)/Simchat Torah (the celebration of receiving the Torah), these represent the upper spiritual energies and the lower physical energies becoming one, the marriage of these two worlds in harmony. Through this celebration we are drawing down the last of this months Divine energies that will carry us through the coming year.
The fundamental element of this Holiday is true joyous dancing which is also the core of Judaism. We are taught that being joyous breaks all barriers and transcends all. The dancing is also a deep innate understanding that there is a natural flow between G*d and us, the flow of coming closer and moving apart from G*d, then coming closer again. This awareness is the knowing that our light and shadow parts of ourselves, as well as all the blessings and challenges we have in life are absolutely good, with this knowledge we are able to stand in the Divine truth. We have now completed this cycle of filling our vessel with Supernal light and begin anew. The end is never the end but always a new beginning.