Thursday, January 17, 2013

Retaining Your Personal Power For Your Health!

ONE of the most predominant issues people have is unknowingly giving away their personal power to others, like bosses, religious leaders, parents, partners, doctors, media, their children. This happens so often without the person realizing it because it happens on an UNCONSCIOUS level; a place that many people choose to be less aware of and function out of.

HOW does a person RETAIN their personal power and what does this have to do with healing? Healing is taking responsibility in life, which means being ok with taking accountability on your life’s outcome. Whether it is a POSITIVE outcome or negative outcome. This means living in the present moment instead of your past history. Once you take responsibility and accountability in your life’s results then you begin to retain your personal power.

LET'S understand this thought better. When someone gives away their PERSONAL power it means they are not comfortable with leading their own life and need someone else to direct them or approve of them. It means the relationship with ‘self’ is dysfunctional and there are suppressed negative EMOTIONS in the unconscious mind. As Carl JUNG states, "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."

SCIENTISTS today are acknowledging that our immune system is profoundly affected by our emotions. Every ill is connected to our emotional being, no matter how significant or insignificant, for better or for worse. Repetitive negative thinking comes from stuck emotional ENERGY after experiencing difficult situations in life, which in turn affects the physical body and life patterns. By HEALING and clearing the stuck emotional energy it automatically adjusts the negative thinking which then can change your life patterns. A deeper question is; is your life destined by fate? Or is your life DIRECTED by your will, aka personal power? Maybe both? 

THE answer to the question; how does a person retain their personal power and what does this have to do with healing is simple yet difficult due to the MENTAL and behavioral patterns we have created. Here is the answer; the most important key in harnessing your personal POWER and healing is awareness, awareness of your thoughts and emotions as they surface in any and all situations. This means LIVING in the present moment. Stop for a moment, pause in life to CHECK-IN with your self. We are living in such a fast-paced world where everyone expects and assumes multi-tasking is a superior quality to have. What happens when we move too quickly is that we miss what we are really thinking and FEELING. It creates a disconnection with ‘self’. SELF is where we generate our personal power to continue the healing.

ALSO, once you bring AWARENESS into your everyday life you must now accept what you are feeling and own it. What ever you are feeling is your truth in that moment. Do NOT judge it. Judging what you are feeling weakens your sense of who you are. Getting to know who you are intimately strengthens your being and personal power, your ‘self’. Your perception on life now BEGINS to change.

HERE'S the answer to the deeper question, is life destined by fate, by will, aka personal power or both? If you perceive the world to be good then your external reality will reflect that PERCEPTION, if you perceive the world to be negative then that’s exactly how your external reality will appear. So when 'FATE' steps into your world you have a choice on how to perceive it. Depending on how you identify with it will determine in what direction YOU want it to go. Once you bring that awareness in, you are now able to draw on your will power, which is your personal power. You are NOW directing and creating your life.

IN summary, what you resist will persist and resurface. You can’t ignore your inner reality or truth. RELEASE your negative emotions and negative thinking patterns by being conscious and in the moment. Get to know YOURSELF. Take a moment in this fast-paced world to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. When theses energies are being released your energy field is being cleared and balanced. You are now able to think more clearly, manage difficult situations OPTIMALLY, strengthen your personal power and heal. You are now learning to speak your truth, live your best LIFE for your own health and vitality.

By Smadar Gretah

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